Sometimes I forget just how happy and in love I am with Tyler. Trust me, I know I love him and am in love with him all the time, but sometimes we just have those really, really, REALLY great moments together. Tonight hasn't been anything special, but it's so special to me.
- Millions of snuggles and cuddles and hugs and kisses. And love – so much love.
- A quick run for coffee because the man knows my heart.
- Productivity and frequent, perfectly timed interruptions. Even for just one kiss.
- Tyler making a quick trip to the grocery store at 11:30pm in this frigid temperature (because we were both craving chips and cheese so badly)
- Tyler buying me new face wipes because he knew I was out (even if it was only after I mumbled my displeasure earlier today).
- Chowing down on said chips and cheese at 1am with no judgement.
- Watching Where the Wild Things Are at 1am even though he has an exam and I have a huge report due.
- Hiding this blogpost from him because I can't wait to show him later down the road. I want to document everything (well, mostly everything) for my love of nostalgia.
- Falling asleep in his arms because it's the safest I've ever been.
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